To understand how to make buildings perform better requires a deep understanding in building physics, psychrometry, human comfort, and the fundamental equations of heat, moisture, sound, and energy. It requires sensible data management, better quality communication of design intent, easier and more effective collaboration, and many opportunities to do things more quickly and accurately. CCS Engineers share their knowledge of science, mathematics, logic, economics, and their dynamic experience to find suitable solutions to a problem.

Experienced, trained, and certified HVAC Engineers at CCS are professional, versatile and reliable; they meet directly with clients, work with management, installers, and repair technicians, aid the preparation of estimates and with administration detail, programme works, analyse and explain systems for owners and users, design new systems, and find solutions to existing problems. They don’t just know how to ‘model’ the built environment, their practice at CCS ensures they know what’s under the hood.

As confident communicators and lateral thinkers, using their experience and technical ability to analyse and design HVAC systems, as well as develop new and existing relationships with project stakeholders, CCS Engineering practice utilises the latest technologies to tackle our ever-expanding portfolio of building services and operations.

Yet with all the advances in modern engineering, including the development and proliferation of computer modelling and analysis programs, we have found stakeholders in our projects consistently responding with the comfort that underneath all of that is beautiful simplicity presented by our engineering team. An elegance of problem-solving and understanding that stands the test of time.

CCS has a strong focus on the development of our staff and practices, of which internal and external training is a key element; collaborative work, seminars, and the consistent provision of new and better information enable us to deliver – into the future – smart technical solutions for our clients.

CCS has a team of highly experienced in-house engineers capable of providing expert advice on the function of your building. Our team has been involved in designing and implementing major projects in the region and have the experience and knowhow to provide advice on Green Star Rating, NABERS Ratings, Accreditations, Plant Life Cycle and Capital Investment in the form of our BEAM reports.
